April 14, 2008

First Moments with Day Care

This weekend Cody and I went to the gym together and brought Emmy with us because they have a day care there. This was our first time leaving her in the care of someone other than family or ourselves. As we walked out of there, with our lips pouting and thinking about returning and just hanging out with her, we pressed on to get some overdue exercise and finally purge the baby weight. We had a good time in our class and thought about our little one the whole time – even panicked when we saw one of the day care ladies come into our class – luckily it was not for us but someone else. Phew! When class was out, I headed over to find our little person and see how she was doing. This is what I found:

She had fallen asleep on this lady and the other little girl is this lady’s daughter. Emmy quickly snuggled up to them both and enjoyed her nap. It was the cutest thing either of us had ever seen!

December 27, 2007

Due to the large amounts of pictures we have been taking we decided to host our pictures of Emmy on her own Flickr gallery.

December 11, 2007

Emilia "Emmy" Aubrey Wilson - 12/05/07

The Wilson Family

Littlest bundle of joy. Emilia Aubrey Wilson

We are finally getting around to updating our blog - yes, we know it has been a while, things have just been a bit hectic trying to be as ready as possible for our little one's arrival.

So the story goes - there we were...busily preparing for her entrance to our bright world when I went for my regularly scheduled doctors appointment and I had to ask the question "so which way do we know she is facing? Because I am due Thursday..." "Well Leah, we will go and check the ultrasound and see". Sure enough after we went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on the previous Sunday - if you have never heard of them, they are an orchestra that add electric guitars, violins, and Christmas carols that rock with laser lights, pyrotechnics, etc. Like Pink Floyd does Christmas. The baby enjoyed the experience - was quiet - except when the high pitch women were singing. It must have been the music that made her give a standing ovation in the womb and she sure was not turning around. And the ultrasound confirmed she was still upright. To shorten the story a bit they wanted me to go in for what is called "Version" on Wednesday morning at 5:30 am - an hour of the day we have become familiar with since Emmy's arrival - and see if they could manipulate her in the womb by using their hands as well a "muscle relaxer" for the uterus that is like drinking "6 shots of Espresso". We are decaf people so that and the 20% chance it would work and send me into labor any way, was not terribly appealing to either of us. So we opted to for the c-section.

At 8:38am this is the cute little face we saw

It was an amazing experience to see her and cry over how cute she is and become a family. We wound up staying in the hospital until Saturday morning but we were ready to go home Wednesday night. When we were finally able to go - we were beyond ready.

So that is the quick summary of our story - and here are some more pictures.

Coming Home...Finally!

In Daddy's arms...

We'll keep posting more - cause you know we'll be taking about a million in the next week or so...

Happy Momma

August 27, 2007

6 Month Mark...

Yes, it has been 6 whole and growing months.... I am surprised as the next person! I had my visit to the doctor last week and they told me that I am doing great - only gained 13 lbs, NO stretch marks, heart is healthy, happily beating away and all my measurements are on schedule. Very exciting business!!

The little one is moving around A LOT - has taken to kicking Cody's hand every he rests it on my belly - which makes us laugh very heartily! She must know cause she keeps doing flips afterward. The movement is more constant and she is a fiesty one. The weirdest part is getting your belly button kicked from the inside. It was a strange feeling - I am glad that the movement is gradual cause if it just started right off the bat - I think I would have freaked out.

I am trying to locate a decent picture - one that I want everyone to see - and once I have one that shows the belly - I will post it. :)

August 3, 2007

Surprise Shower

I went down to my sister's house in the Fremont, CA to pick up Katie, my niece (for those who haven't met everyone yet) - Katie came to stay with us for a week before Mary & John flew out for vacation. Cody and I were both hoping to make the trip but he had to work and tend to the doggies, so it was just a quick jaunt down and back. Would have been nice if we both could have been there and stayed longer.

It was a complete surprise to come back to the house and see it decorated for a baby shower - for me no less - got my preggo hormones going and was the nicest thing that anyone could do.

What a great surprise it was!

See?! Happy and Surprised! Tastey treats too - what more could a pregnant lady ask for?! Not to mention just completely cute baby stuff!

We even had the babies representing. Seneca, my niece! She is the cutest thing!

The centerpiece for the shower - a diaper cake - is that not the cutest thing?! We are going to keep it in the nursery once that is all put together.

Here is all the happy people who help put a wonderful surprise together. Thanks again to Suzanne, Dad, Seneca, Poline and Katie! :)

July 18, 2007

The Ultrasound Results....


I was surprised when the doctor told us - I was completely convinced that she was a boy - so now I need to adjust my terminology - so just apply an "S" before the "he" in previous posts and we will just move on from here.

The ultrasound was weird and she is an active little thing - just trying to hide from the camera and block her face - her mother's girl and holding her arm above her head - her daddy's daughter. It was funny to see little characteristics of both of us already. It was pretty funny and really cool to see the images - albeit some of them looked weird because the picture was obstructed by something - the doctor assured us that she is normal and healthy - nice heart beat - 152 bpm.

Cody is already for her to be here, give me a few more months and she will. I think she is happy staying nice and cozy where she is at. I can feel her moving a lot more already - like she is doing the back stroke some days - feels weird at first, but I am getting use to her moving and kicking or dancing - most likely dancing like her daddy does when he is happy.

Here are some pictures of our little princess:

I am not sure how they know what they are looking at, but at least you won't feel alone in deciphering this picture.

Nice profile of waving at Daddy:

I think she is saying "I'll be here soon!"

July 15, 2007

Tater Origins

We thought it would be cool to share with everyone the makings of tater - NO not those details but what was going on around the time it all started.

Our friends Renee and Paumoune (Puh-Moon) were having a blessing for their new baby, Tristan and invited us to come along and take some pictures of the event. We were not sure what to expect but knew it was a ver big deal - Paumoune is from Laos and his family is buddhist and they have a very strong belief system when it comes to families, and especially new babies. We knew it was big when we found out "Mommy" (that is what his mom calls herself) had been cooking and preparing the food for two weeks prior to the blessing.

The night before we went over and took some pictures and helped roll egg rolls (these happen to be some of the best we have ever had - not because we helped roll them, just because they really are that good). The following day we dressed up and went over - we were one a couple white people and didn't really feel out of place except for the lack of language on our part. We were sitting around and watching everything go on and Cody helped this gentleman fix his camera - which made this guys day - thought Cody was a great person (which he is). So when the blessing started, the guy with the newly fixed camera happened to be the monk who was giving the blessing. It was kind of funny to realize who he was when it started. So we sat back, took pictures and enjoyed this whole thing take place. Everyone sat on the floor in a circle around this shrine like center piece and took turns laying hands on Renee, Paumoune and Tristan, speaking in their native language blessings for this little fellow. When they blessed a person, they placed a macroon cookie and an egg in the persons hand and spoke the blessing and tied a white string around the wrist of the person while everyone laid hands on the person. It was a really neat experience to be a part of. Towards the end, they started to bless all the family members and one the first people to get blessed was Cody - the monk and "mommy" pulled him over to get his blessing. As the monk went to place the cookie and egg in his hand, the monk grabbed a bowl full of cookies and egg and said that Cody was getting extra special blessings. He started in Laos and then translated the blessing to say that good things were to happen to us and that we would win the lottery and share it with him and Paumoune. I thought it was really cool they included Cody in this and until they pulled me for a blessing too. Minus the huge heap of cookies, I received the same blessing as Cody. We were both excited and thought we would win the lottery and bought tickets later that week.

We then went on to eat some of the best food - minus the chicken foot salad - yes, chicken feet, it is exactly how it sounds and is apparently a real delicacy for them. We tried it to be polite but were quick to pass on seconds. Everything else was incredible.

We went home later and forgot about most of the blessing except for our new little bracelets. We then started talking more about children and families over the next few weeks, and figuring out when we were going to start all this and Cody said at one point "we'll your not getting any younger, we should do it soon". Little did we know just how soon we would be starting! :)

It was not until April 10th that we found out that we would be parents much sooner than we thought. We told Renee and Paumoune that we thought we were going to win the lottery not have a baby so we kept jokingly calling them "fertility bracelets", but we were corrected and told that they were actually to bless you and have your deepest hearts desire come from the blessing.

We are going to start a baby book for the little tater and we kept those bracelets - a little worse for wear, but still valuable and it makes a pretty cool story.

June 24, 2007

The Tater Nursery

We went on a mission today to buy the baby some things. Figuring that we are 4 months or 16 weeks (depending on what makes the most sense to you) we decided it was time to buy the things for the nursery. We were just looking but found a good deal on a crib and bedding that we both liked and agreed on. I hope we can include the pictures in this blog - if not - stay tuned and I will do my best to post them.

We decided on the "Barnyard Friends" theme - cause it had a horse, cow, dogs, and sheep - all really cute and a natural color wood for the crib - nice rounded edges to protect the wee baby. Maybe we chose "barnyard" or "farm" because taters come from the farm. Not what I was originally thinking, but really cute.

We are excited about our purchases, we just need to pick up the crib - the box was so HUGE there was no way we could squeeze it into the Honda. So we laughed and said we would have to have a friend help us pick it up at a later date. But we definitely were able to come home with the bedding, rug, and a couple Spiderman bowls and spoon and fork (Cody took a liking to them so he might just bring them to work instead of waiting for the baby).

I think within the next few weeks we will start a baby registry, we decided we would buy all the main nursery stuff ourselves - probably because we already did. He he he!

We wil keep you posted...hopefully more frequently!

May 1, 2007

Gummy Tater

Not that we like ultrasounds, but had to go in for another at 8 1/2 weeks to make sure things were ok - of course they are. It is a happy little tater. Just to make sure I knew everything was alright, Wee Tater was moving and was doing what looked liked the "Bear Dance" that his daddy does when he is happy. Tater even looks like a little Gummy Bear.

April 10, 2007

In the Beginning (que 2001 Space Odyssey music)...

This is the beginning - well not the very beginning cause we didn't know about Tater Tot until about a month and a half later. Seems like he is already full of surprises. Like showing up - that was the biggest surprise of them all.

So when you ask - how did it happen - I am sure you that is obvious, but apparently it was faulty birth control - not Leah proof or Tater Tot just decided it was time. Most likely the case.

After a stressful and quite surprising visit to the doctor, it is confirmed - we are going to have a BABY!!

Tater Tot - Getting Cozy

Tater Tot

Tiniest of Heart Beats